Thursday, August 14, 2014

Maths Art work

Nimen Hao,
This is our completed fractions artwork.  We first measured the square. It was 20 cm long on all sides. Then we folded it into quarters. Each quarter was 5 cm long on all sides. We then drew a line through each quarter. That gave us eight eights. After that we drew another diagonal line in each quarter. Finally we had sixteen sixteenths. We chose 3 different colours to colour each piece of the triangle. This is what we came up with.

Our fraction art work

Maths Week

Bula Vinaka,
This week was Maths Week. We did some fun stuff today with our Year 2 teachers. Our Year 2 teachers visited our classes and taught us some different maths games. We also did some maths art with fractions. Have a look at our fraction artwork.
Room 13 working on their maths artwork

We started by folding a square into quarters

Mrs Wilson teaching us a maths game

Mrs Wallbank teaching us a maths game.

Have a look at how fractions are used in everyday lives. Can you make these patterns using paper and colour pencils?

A quilt pattern using fractions
Another quilt pattern using fractions